How Do I Prevent Gum Disease?

Gum disease is the result of infection and swelling of gum tissues when plaque builds up along the gum line. Plaque is a colorless film that surrounds your teeth and gums and is filled with harmful bacteria. Gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss in adults. Eventually, the plaque buildup can enter into the deep tissues of your gums and the infection can spread throughout your mouth. Advanced forms of gum disease can destroy your mouth’s soft tissues and your facial bones.

Routine Dental Cleanings and Examinations Are Your Best Defense

Visiting the dentist every six months is imperative to maintaining healthy gums. During dental visits, professional cleanings remove plaque buildup and tartar. This helps eliminate the threat of bacteria causing infections. When Dr. Amanda Foust examines your mouth, she will look for signs of gum disease and assess your gum’s overall health. If she finds symptoms or indication of gum disease, she can provide other treatments to help reverse the condition. Regular dental cleanings and examinations can ultimately save your teeth and gums from painful infections and destruction.

Follow a Proper Oral Care Regimen at Home

You should brush your teeth at least twice a day for two or three minutes each time. While you brush your teeth, you are stimulating your gums and cleaning your teeth from harmful particles. However, brushing isn’t enough. Flossing your teeth daily is essential because it removes plaque in the hard-to-reach places in your mouth. It also keeps your gum line clean between your dental cleanings. In addition to flossing and brushing, Dr. Foust may recommend that you add an antiseptic mouthwash to your oral hygiene regimen because it acts as an anti-plaque agent.

For more questions about gum disease or to schedule a dental appointment, contact our office at (515) 965-0230. We are currently accepting new patients and proudly serve the residents of Polk City, Alleman, Elkhart, and the neighboring Ankeny communities.