Have you ever assumed dental care could take care of your oral health but that when it comes to the beauty of your smile, you just have to accept what you’re born with? Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry provides you with a variety of solutions for making improvements to minor damage or the aspects of your smile that you simply never found complementary to your other features. For a general introduction to cosmetic options, become familiar with what you can expect from individual treatments.
Cosmetic Dentistry Quick Guide
- Porcelain Veneers: If you’re looking for a way to dramatically improve the appearance of your smile without relying on multiple treatments, we may suggest porcelain veneers. They are ceramic casings crafted in a very thin manner, so we may place them over your teeth. The customized shells will improve the size, color, length, width, and general appearance of each tooth for a smile makeover.
- Dental Bonding: Patients seeking the improvement of mild concerns like chips, slightly short teeth, or other concerns may find the treatment they want with dental bonding. During treatment we will apply composite to the area in need of improvement, sculpting it into the desired shape.
- Dental Contouring: Sometimes considered the companion to bonding, dental contouring focuses on removing tissue rather than adding it. We can gently buff away concerns like sharp teeth, jagged borders, or a slightly too-long tooth. Patients are often happy to learn that they can use both cosmetic treatments, bonding and contouring, together.
- Teeth Whitening: We often find that patients feel embarrassed by their smiles as the result of discoloration. Some patients deal with a yellowed appearance or a smile that just looks a bit dim. Fortunately, we can easily improve the brightness of your smile with the use of teeth whitening to lift stains away, revealing a whiter smile.
Since 2006, Dr. Amanda Foust has proudly treated families in Ankeny, Alleman, Elkhart, Bondurant, and all surrounding communities. To learn more, schedule an appointment with your Ankeny, IA dentist today. You can reach Dental Impressions by calling (515) 965-0230.