Do You Want A Bridge?

Have you been doing a little research into the big wide world of tooth replacements? If so, you know that your treatment options are not limited but, instead, provide you with a wealth of selections to choose from. For patients thinking about choosing a dental bridge to replace a missing tooth (or missing teeth), learn more to determine whether a bridge will suit your needs.

Think You Want A Bridge?

Are you under the impression that a dental bridge is likely a good choice for you? Allow us to help you along on this journey by making note of good reasons to choose a bridge as your tooth replacement solution. Consider the following:

  • A bridge is a good choice if you are not looking for a removable device like a partial denture. Instead, you are hoping to achieve a fixed device, which is one that will complete your smile, while you enjoy 24/7 wear.
  • A bridge is an appropriate choice if you are missing one tooth, two teeth, or three teeth. Those teeth that are missing must also have previously sat side-by-side. Otherwise, you may require a partial denture or implants.
  • You may qualify for a bridge if your remaining teeth that sit on each side of the open space in your smile are healthy enough to support the bridge.

No Idea What You Want?

If you are completely unsure about what you want, whether a dental bridge, denture, or dental implant to replace your missing tooth or teeth, you don’t have to worry. All you need is to contact us to schedule a consultation. During your visit, we can explain different treatment options and examine your smile. As a result, you will receive the details you need to choose a tooth replacement that works for your preferences, needs, and budget.