Quiz: Are You Handling Your Bruxism Correctly?

Have you found that you are grinding your teeth as a habit? Maybe you are a chronic clencher. Whatever the case, you will discover from a visit with us that we refer to this disorder as bruxism. You will also find out that we offer bruxism treatment, so you can experience relief from symptoms like discomfort and so you may avoid the serious dental damage that can occur. Here’s where things get a bit tricky sometimes: Are you doing your best to protect your smile? Or are you not quite sure? To find out, take a quick quiz.

Bruxism Treatment: True or False?

  1. True or False: You don’t need to use your bruxism treatment oral appliance on a nightly basis, as long as you wear it when your teeth or jaws start to hurt.
  2. True or False: By wearing an oral appliance at night, you enjoy full protection and treatment for your grinding and clenching.
  3. True or False: You can contribute to protecting yourself from bruxism and its side effects by avoiding caffeine, avoiding hard-to-chew foods, and limiting your snacking or chewing habits.

Quiz Answers

  1. False. The way to achieve successful treatment is to use your bruxism treatment oral appliance every single night as directed. Otherwise, you will constantly be protecting yourself, beginning to achieve relief, and then starting the cycle all over again.
  2. False. This offers immense protection and prevents serious long-term side effects but your oral appliance does not offer 100 percent improvement. It’s up to you to make good choices throughout the day.
  3. True. Reducing stress on your teeth and anything that results in over-chewing is beneficial for your bruxism.