Quiz: Choosing Dental Hygiene Products

Do you feel curious about choosing your dental hygiene products and whether you’re making good decisions? Perhaps you also wonder if, as long as you select something from the hygiene aisle at your local drugstore, any decision is a good decision. As a matter of fact, it’s possible to make choices for the products you select (such as toothpaste or a toothbrush) that are better than other selections. To see how much you have picked up regarding this topic along the way, enjoy a brief quiz.

Quiz: True or False?

  1. True or False: If you are interested in making the best choice for your dental hygiene, we suggest that you choose the priciest selection available to you, whether that item is toothpaste, dental floss, or otherwise.
  2. True or False: A good way to determine whether the product you have chosen is something that will protect your smile is to look for the ADA Seal of Acceptance.
  3. True or False: If you are not sure which products are best for your oral health, you will need to simply try them out until something proves to work for you.

Quiz Answers

  1. False. Price is not a particular indicator of the effectiveness of a dental hygiene product. Instead, you should consider the information on the package and the product’s ability to support your oral health.
  2. True. The ADA (American Dental Association) approves items that are fit for your use to protect your oral health. If you see the “Seal” then you know it’s a good buy.
  3. False. We will gladly provide you with a list of guidelines for choosing effective dental hygiene products, while offering specific suggestions for your unique needs.