How Do Dental Bridges Work?

Losing a tooth can have a major impact on your oral health, as well as your appearance. In order to restore the health, function, and beauty of your smile, you need to have your missing teeth replaced. We can accomplish this with a lifelike dental prosthetic, such as a dental bridge. How do bridges work? When should we consider one?

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Bridges

Question: How many teeth can a bridge replace?

Answer: We can use one to replace between one and three teeth, provided they are in a row. If the missing teeth are spread out across an arch, then a partial denture may be the better option for your tooth loss.

Question: What does the prosthetic look like?

Answer: The prosthetic contains an artificial tooth, also known as a pontic. Attached to the tooth is a crown, typically one on either end. We prepare the teeth on either side of the gap in your smile, removing structure to make room for the crowns. We then place the crowns, which anchor the new teeth in place. The prosthetic is designed based on detailed impressions taken of your smile. We use lifelike material to help ensure your new teeth and crowns blend seamlessly with your smile.

Question: How long does the prosthetic last?

Answer: With proper care and attention the average dental bridge can last between 10 and 15 years. As the mouth changes shape your prosthetic may require adjustment or possibly replacement.

Question: How do I avoid further tooth loss?

Answer: You can take steps to limit the risk of future tooth loss. First, take better care of your smile on a daily basis, brushing twice a day and flossing once a day. Second, have your teeth professionally cleaned twice a year. Third, avoid bad habits that can increase the risk of tooth loss, such as smoking.