Quick Questions And Answers: Your Toothbrush

Do you know how to choose the best toothbrush for your dental hygiene? Or, do you feel like this is more of something you complete as a “luck of the draw” shopping experience? While it might seem like all brushes provide you with the same benefits, this is not the case. Some are just right, while others may lead to less than ideal oral health results. Consider some questions patients often ask us (and the answers), so you can make the most of your next shopping outing.

How Do I Choose Brush Size?

For dental hygiene that is comfortable and effective, choose a brush with a handle that is easy and comfortable to hold and guide throughout your mouth. Choose a brush with a head that can fit around every single tooth.

How Do I Choose My Bristles?

If the package says “firm” or “medium” or something along those lines, skip it. Choose only packages marked “soft.”

How Do I Know If It Will Work?

Some trial and error is generally necessary with dental hygiene. However, finding a brush that has the ADA Seal of Acceptance is a good beginning.

Can I Try An Electric Brush?

Of course! Especially if you find that you aren’t very successful at thorough plaque removal with a manual toothbrush or that brushing is too strenuous or causes your arm to hurt, an electric option might be just what you require.

Does Brand Or Color Matter?

Nope. One brand is not necessarily better than another. If it has the ADA Seal of Acceptance, you’re on the right track. As for color, it’s a completely personal choice that can make brushing a little more fun.