3 Hygiene Mistakes You’re Making (And What To Do)

It’s very easy to feel that you’re on track with your dental hygiene when you run your toothbrush through your mouth and you occasionally use your floss. Unfortunately, when you’re nearly halfway there with your oral health care at home (but you’re not actually following through with exceptional methods), you’re doing yourself quite a disservice! Did you know that effective hygiene is the key factor in allowing you to avoid problems like periodontal disease and tooth decay? Let’s address common mistakes and help you reassess your efforts, so you’re doing your best and seeing the results.

#1: You’re Only Brushing Part Of Your Smile

Effective dental hygiene can only take place when your smile is thoroughly cleaned on a daily basis. When it comes to your brushing, this is something that should take place two times every day (with sessions that require two minutes a piece). While you might know these details, you might not know what “thoroughly cleaned” means. Here’s what you’re missing: Your brushing is only successful if you’re brushing your chewing surfaces, the visible parts of your teeth, the parts you cannot see, the sides, fronts, backs, and along your gumline.

#2: You’re Not Flossing Enough

If you don’t floss, you floss sometimes, or you usually floss but not always, you’re not flossing enough. The only way you can complete your effective dental hygiene routine (in conjunction with proper brushing) is flossing daily. Of course, you also need to floss your whole smile for a truly clean grin.

#3: You Hate Your Hygiene Products

We commonly hear that patients don’t like their floss, they dislike the flavor of their toothpaste, and so on and so forth. This is a huge problem! If you don’t like what you’re using, change it! Otherwise, you will end up resenting dental hygiene instead of enjoying it.