Chewing Gum For Dental Hygiene?

Have you ever thought about adding chewing gum to your dental hygiene? Of course, we don’t mean chewing it during a brushing and flossing session. Instead, we mean adding it as a possible way to clean your teeth when you don’t exactly have access to your brush, paste, and floss. You might be thinking to yourself, “Is this some kind of trick question?” The good news is that we are being completely serious. The even better news is that we are happy to explain and help you keep your smile extra clean throughout each day.

Making Good Choices

As we introduce you to the idea that chewing gum is helpful for your dental hygiene in certain instances, it’s important that we explain the details. First, recognize that if you go out and purchase sugar-filled bubble gum, you’re not doing yourself any favors (in fact, this is dangerous for your smile). When you want to find chewing gum that will help your oral health, keep the following in mind:

  • It has to be sugarless to offer benefits
  • Choosing one sweetened with xylitol is your very best choice

How Is Chewing Gum Beneficial?

Chewing gum gives you a way to pull bacteria and food particles from your smile when it’s the best option you’ve got (when you simply do not have the ability to brush and floss at the moment). Maybe you’re out and about for the day, at work, in school. Whatever the case, chewing can help protect your smile when a regular dental hygiene session isn’t possible.