Neglecting Gingivitis: A Slippery Slope

You may wonder why we are so serious about gum disease. Isn’t it just some inflammation, you wonder? Isn’t the big problem tooth decay and all that can come with it? As a matter of fact, protecting your gum health is just as important as protecting your teeth. Without your gums and the other tissues that surround your teeth, you’d have no support. Without support, your teeth would not be able to comprise a smile. To learn more about why it’s so very important to come in for a deep cleaning if you require one, we explain the slippery slope that comes with ignoring gingivitis.

It Will Become Manageable But Incurable

If you come see us to treat your gingivitis, we will suggest a deep cleaning. As a result, we will remove the plaque and tartar leading to the inflammation of your gums. This will let your gum tissue calm down and lie against your teeth again as they were meant to. You can then keep up with care at home (and we will monitor your smile) to ensure your gum health stays in excellent condition. If you neglect the need for ultrasonic scaling, what you will end up with is a more advanced stage of gum disease that we can manage but that we cannot completely cure.

It Will Lead To Shocking Damage

The reason we seem so intense about coming in for a recommended deep cleaning is the fact that without one, not only will you end up with a disease in serious need of long-term management but you will also be faced with some pretty severe damage. Your gums will recede and the disease will begin to wear away your periodontal tissues and even your jawbone. As mentioned, you won’t have adequate support any longer, so tooth loss will become a sure thing. Treat gum problems and your smile can continue to remain healthy and beautiful.