Sleep Apnea: Symptom Q&A

Have you heard that sleep apnea is a disorder that interrupts your sleep at night? If you’re just learning about this concern, you may wonder if you can identify certain common symptoms, less common symptoms, and if perhaps the disorder answers some questions you have had about yourself lately. While nothing replaces a visit with our practice, it is always beneficial to gain more knowledge and to have your questions answered. Gain a bit more education on this topic with our Q&A session.

Questions And Answers

Question: What types of symptoms should I watch for that might tip me off I’m suffering from sleep apnea?

Answer: If you’re suffering from this problem, you can expect a dry throat and mouth when you wake up, a sore throat, headaches that tend to occur in the morning, you may feel tired (and more and more tired), you might feel moody, and you may have trouble focusing.

Question: Will I definitely notice the symptoms you have mentioned? Is there any other way to figure out that something isn’t quite right?

Answer: If you don’t notice any of the more obvious signs, you may need to pay attention to less direct symptoms. For instance, if you’re having trouble completing your work at your job, if you are snapping at people who find your moodiness offensive, or if your significant other has heard you making loud choking sounds (or snoring excessively during the night), these are things to watch for.

Question: Will the symptoms just be annoying? Or, is this sleep disorder something that can eventually affect my health, too?

Answer: In the beginning sleep apnea symptoms are just annoying. However, they can quickly lead toward serious health problems, including issues with your heart, liver, and blood pressure.