A Quick Perio Quiz

Are you familiar with the reasons you may need a deep cleaning for your smile? Do you find that though you have a general understanding, it seems the details tend to elude you? When you’re getting a bit mixed up with terms and you’re not really sure what to expect, it’s time to fill up on some new knowledge. Fortunately, you can make this happen in a jiffy by taking our perio quiz!

Quiz Questions: True or False?

  1. True or False: The term deep cleaning is synonymous with scaling and root planing, both of which refer to the perio treatment you need when you’re experiencing gum disease.
  2. True or False: When you receive scaling, we often work on a single quadrant of your mouth at a time (one quarter), which we will numb before working.
  3. True or False: If your problem has surpassed gingivitis, you may require advanced, ongoing care.

Quiz Answers

  1. True. Whatever you call it, whether a deep cleaning or scaling and root planing, this is generally the first step toward addressing periodontal disease concerns (if you’re dealing with gingivitis or a more advanced stage).
  2. True. You will often only need to sit through the cleaning of one quarter of your mouth at a time, which will receive an anesthetic for comfort. This helps ensure your scaling and root planing are not disruptive to your life and promote the most comfortable experience.
  3. True. While removing the plaque and tartar from beneath your gumline is the necessary first step, gum disease beyond the initial gingivitis stage will require additional treatment.

Rescue Your Gums With A Deep Cleaning

Come in for your scaling and root planing if you are experiencing periodontal problems, so you rescue your smile health and beauty. Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.