Bad Breath: Secret Culprits

There are few things more frustrating than trying to brush away bad breath only to find that your efforts have failed. After all, every person you come into contact with may catch a whiff of your not-so-lovely smelling breath and want to run in the other direction. They may even assume you’re not practicing good dental hygiene! Fortunately, the secret culprits to halitosis that you’re unaware of are things that we can quickly point out and help you with. Find out more and schedule a visit if you recognize that you need some assistance.

Old Dental Work

Did you know that old or damaged dental work can be the cause of your bad breath? Let’s begin at the beginning: Where bacteria hide and accumulate, bad odors will occur because bacteria release them. If your crown, bridge, or other work offers any type of place bacteria might build up (particularly if you cannot clean them away with a brush), then unattractive breath is likely to occur. Even exceptional dental hygiene cannot save you!

Brushing Without Flossing

You can brush all day long and still end up with bad breath. Why is this the case? Well, even if you brush every tooth surface and your tongue, there’s still going to be some food and plaque that’s left between your teeth. Believe it or not, it can smell pretty bad! Begin flossing and you may find your breath returns to normal. Take a quick sniff of your dental floss (after you use it, particularly if you haven’t flossed in a long time) and you’ll have all the evidence you need that good dental hygiene requires brushing and flossing.

Schedule a visit in Ankeny, IA by calling Dental Impressions at (515) 965-0230 today!