Dry Mouth: What’s Happening?

If you were asked to use a single word to describe what your mouth has been feeling like on a regular basis, which term would you choose? Would it be: Desert, parched, cottony, sticky, dry? If you came up with one of these (or something similar), you may be dealing with dry mouth. While you may think a glass of water will do the trick, if you’re experiencing more than simple dehydration, it may be time to come see us for a dental visit. Don’t worry, we can quickly explain what’s happening (and what to do about it).

About This Issue

Dry mouth is a disorder that can lead to some serious problems. Or, we can help you quickly address the issue, so your mouth remains healthy (and as moist as it is supposed to be). Consider the following: Your mouth typically creates a consistent flow of saliva every day, which allows you to eat, drink, and talk in comfort. It also flushes bacteria from your mouth throughout the day, so they don’t build up and get into trouble (like causing decay, gingivitis, or bad breath). As you can see, you need moisture in your mouth!

Common Causes

You might not be producing enough saliva. You may be doing something that’s causing the saliva to dry out. Common causes of dry mouth (and the aforementioned particulars) often include the following:

  • Certain medications that lead to decreased saliva production as a side effect
  • Congestion (you breathe through your mouth more)
  • Dehydration

What To Do

Definitely drink more water if you’re drinking less than 64 ounces daily. Check your medications (and talk with your doctor) if you think it’s a side effect. Of course, you should schedule a visit with us, too. We can help you manage the issue regardless of the underlying cause!

Don’t Deal With Dry Mouth Side Effects

You don’t need to let dry mouth get the best of your oral health. See us for the care and education you need, so teeth and gums remain safe. Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.