Cough Drops: 3 Things To Consider

Have you been sucking on an awful lot of cough drops lately? If you’re someone who experiences allergies on a seasonal basis or who is dealing with a cold, you may find that you become somewhat dependent on lozenges to get you through the rougher times. While they may help significantly, they might also be contributing to some issues for your oral health. Never thought about it before? While you can always rinse with water once you’ve finished a drop, we encourage you to consider a few details if they’re a mainstay in your daily life.

#1: They Might Stain Your Teeth

When you’re coating your smile in pigmented liquid (as in, the red food coloring from your cough drop and your saliva), it can become stained very easily. This is especially true if you’re doing this every day for an extended period. Choose lighter hued options and remember to rinse afterwards.

#2: The Sugar Is Risky For Oral Health

If the cough drop you’ve chosen contains sugars or is quite acidic, remember that the constant exposure can drop the pH level in your mouth. This acidic environment is bad for your oral health because it will make your teeth more likely to experience decay and can irritate your gums, too.

#3: Beware Physical Damage

Remember that a cough drop is very hard. If you’re chewing them before you finish them, you may be placing your teeth are risk of chips. Or, you may accidentally try to bite one and crack a tooth. They can also damage dental work or braces either because they’re hard or extremely sticky.

Ask For Safe Ways To Address Allergies

Remember, we are always happy to help you figure out how to protect your oral health when things like allergies become an issue. Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.