Quiz: Are You Masking Dental Symptoms?

What’s your approach to dealing with dental symptoms as they arise? Are you someone who is afraid of addressing them head on, so you do your best to pretend they’re not there? Do you attempt to mask symptoms in an effort to put off scheduling a visit? If so, we certainly applaud your ability to convince yourself that everything is okay! However, we urge you to recognize that masking a problem will only lead to (you guessed it … more problems). Gather up some additional insight with our quiz!

Quiz Questions: True or False?

  1. True or False: Even if you’re doing a great job of making it feel like your smile is healthy, if you’re masking dental symptoms, you might be making matters worse.
  2. True or False: If you’re taking pain relief pills on a consistent basis for your smile, then you’re probably masking symptoms of a problem that requires treatment.
  3. True or False: Covering up problems seems like a simple solution but it can lead to some severe injuries and costs.

Quiz Answers

  1. True. As you have likely already gathered, covering up a problem will usually end up leading to a problem that becomes more and more difficult to address. Keep in mind that dental disease is usually progressive and disorders won’t get better on their own.
  2. True. If something hurts, you need to come see us. While you can achieve relief, which is to your benefit for quality of life, you’ll need to address the source of that pain for true relief.
  3. True. Don’t forget that pretending a problem isn’t happening will generally start off small and quickly become complicated. A tiny cavity can become severe decay then a broken and infected tooth, which leaves you in need of an extraction (instead of the initial filling you would have required). Recognize dental symptoms for what they are and come in for care.

Protect Your Smile By Addressing Problems Immediately

Instead of waiting and trying to pretend like a problem isn’t present, we encourage you to treat it right away by coming to see us. Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.