Antibiotic Discoloration: How To Fix It

If you’re currently surfing the web, searching out ways to address the stains already present in your teeth as the result of taking antibiotics, chances are good you’re not very happy with the way your smile looks. You know that the discoloration is the result of medication and not your fault but that doesn’t help you feel any less frustrated. Good news! You can quickly part ways with the stains and find yourself staring at a bright white grin again by coming in for cosmetic care like dental bonding. Learn more!

Bonding Is An Option

As mentioned, dental bonding is a way to address stains that we cannot take away with teeth whitening. When you are dealing with antibiotic stains, they’re going to require a cover-up instead of removal. The first stop along the way as you learn more about cosmetic options is bonding because it’s simple, effective, and budget friendly. We will use carefully customized composite to camouflage the problem areas, so your teeth look much whiter.

Porcelain Veneers Will Work, Too!

Perhaps you are dealing with widespread staining and you’re interested in investigating options beyond dental bonding. Especially if you’d like to also address more than one issue (maybe you have a space you’d like to close between your teeth and you want to cover your stains) then porcelain veneers are a good fit. They physically cover the front of your teeth with natural-looking results. We’ll customize the color (and many, many other details), for a whiter, customized smile.

See Us To Address Antibiotic Stains

Don’t assume your stains are too stubborn to be addressed. We can transform your smile with cosmetic care, including bonding or veneers, so you love your grin again. Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.