Fruit Concerns: A Dental Health Quiz

What’s the story with fruit, you might wonder to yourself. One second, your family doctor is asking about your diet and whether you get enough fruits and vegetables every day. The next, we are asking about how much fruit you consume on a daily basis because it may be the cause of oral health issues, such as eroded dental tissue or cavity formation! Not to worry, of course. You may still eat fruit. However, feeling educated regarding how to do so safely is best.

Quiz Questions: True or False?

  1. True or False: A major concern when you’re deciding to eat fruit is simply remaining mindful of the fact that many have hard seeds, hard pits, and even tiny little seeds that can wreak havoc with your oral health.
  2. True or False: Eating a lot of fruit and fruit juices can cause problems with the outer part of your teeth, which is a layer we know as enamel.
  3. True or False: It’s not bad to eat fruit but it is important that you remember to rinse the residue from your smile after you eat, so your smile health doesn’t suffer.

Quiz Answers

  1. True. Something unexpected and hard that you bite into with full force (like a pit or seed) can certainly result in a broken or seriously damaged tooth. In addition, tiny hard pieces of food, like itty-bitty seeds, can get trapped in hard-to-clean places.
  2. True. Since fruits and fruit juices are packed with sugar and are also acidic, they can end up slowly removing the enamel from your teeth.
  3. True. At the very least, you should rinse with a glass of water to splash the sugar particles off of resting spots, where bacteria feed and cause oral health issues.

Eat What You Love With Our Help

Find out more regarding how to eat the foods you love without feeling like you must give them up to protect your oral health. Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.