3 Times You Should Stop…Then Call

When you’re away from our practice, which is the majority of your time, things may come up that will require you to call us. However, that doesn’t mean you’re going to. We have met many a patient who has decided to take matters into her own hands. As you might imagine, this rarely turns out well. Not sure when you should just take care of dental care concerns on your own or when you should set up a visit? Consider a few moments when the phone call and visit is essential.

#1: When Food Is Stuck

Consider the difference between the following: When you get food between your teeth versus when you get food stuck between your teeth. If food ends up between your teeth and you can remove it with some simple flossing, you’re fine. However, if it truly is stuck, that means your flossing efforts are not paying off! Don’t try another thing. Call us, so we can take care of it for you (in a very safe manner).

#2: When You Think A Product Sounds Magical

Think that DIY whitening you saw at the drugstore is going to give you that glowing, snow-white smile you really want? Don’t buy it. Don’t try it. Call us instead. Come in, tell us all about what you saw and why you wanted it, so we can give you some professional advice regarding how our dental care can address your goals safely and effectively.

#3: When You Need Anything Else

What’s happening? Do you need attention for a toothache? Does your smile look less than beautiful? Do you think your dental crown is loose? Are you unsure about whether you’re brushing correctly? Whatever it is in relation to your dental care, call us. Don’t try to research it on your own, ask relatives for help, or become your own dentist. Call to schedule a visit!

See Us Right Away When You Require Dental Care

Remember that it is always better to call our practice and set up a visit than to try out dentistry on your own! Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.