Planning For Your Smile: Time Breakdowns

Sometimes, trying to sort out every single detail as it applies to your oral health can feel a little bit intimidating. You need to consider daily goals. Then, of course, you need to keep track of your dental hygiene products. On top of that, you have to consider how frequently you should be coming in to see us. It can all get a bit mixed up if you don’t consider yourself quite a practiced planner! Let’s make our way through some helpful time breakdowns to consider, so you can more easily organize the details.

Planning For Your Day

First, remember to plan for your day every day. This won’t take much work, just a quick mental rundown of what you need for your oral health. Every morning, remember that your day will need to include a morning brushing session. You will also need to repeat that brushing session in the evening. Finally, add flossing in during the morning or evening and your day is complete!

Planning For The Next Three Months

You’re going to need to replace your toothbrush. Generally speaking, every three months is best (but you may be able to stretch it out as long as every four months). When you repurchase your dental hygiene products with your new toothbrush, you can keep up with this aspect of your home oral health care without missing a beat. Of course, filling in products that seem low with extra shopping trips is always easy to do!

Planning For Every Six Months

Now, remember your six-month mark goal for your oral health: Plan to come in for a dental visit to receive your cleaning and your checkup. This will amount to two annual visits, which is just what you need!

Learn Better Planning Skills With Us!

We will be happy to walk you through helpful tools for planning out your dental care. Remember to ask! Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.