Worn Teeth: 2 Important Considerations

Do you feel that your teeth are worn? Perhaps you can tell when you try to eat that it’s a more laborious effort. Maybe you can feel or see it when you touch your teeth with your tongue or glance at chewing surfaces in the mirror. Whatever is going on, there are a couple important details for you to consider. In short: Worn down teeth are not beneficial and can, in fact, point to a problem and cause complications for you! Not to worry, we can help with dental care.

#1: Worn Teeth: What’s The Big Deal?

You may wonder why it really matters if your teeth tissue has eroded at all. There are many reasons this can become problematic, which is why it’s best to prevent it or treat it with our dental care, should it happen to you. Remember the following:

  • Worn tissue may make chewing more difficult because you cannot break down food as easily.
  • Worn tissue may expose layers of tissue beneath your enamel, which exposes nerves. This may become quite uncomfortable.
  • Worn tissue affects the balance of your bite, which may lead to problems like TMJ disorder.

#2: What’s Happening?

Tissue typically becomes worn as the result of problems that cause tooth tissue to rub back and forth against other tissue. If you have bruxism, grinding may cause it. If you have old dental work that doesn’t match your bite, this may lead to worn tissue. Misalignment may cause it, as well. Snacking consistently on something hard like ice or chewing on objects may contribute! To find out why it’s happening to you and to receive treatment, all you need to do is see us for a dental care visit!

Address Smile Concerns With Our Care

We are here to help you prevent damage and to help you fix it, should it occur, with our comprehensive dental services. Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.