Smile improvement has advanced a lot over the years. In addition to providing highly lifelike solutions for improving your smile’s appearance, cosmetic dentistry also focuses on helping you preserve and improve the health of your natural tooth structure. For instance, cosmetic tooth bonding can help you address several different kinds of blemishes without any alterations to your tooth structure, making it one of the more conservative yet highly effective smile improvement options.
What is tooth bonding?
Tooth bonding is comprised of tooth-colored composite resin that is tinted to match your tooth’s natural color and shade. Your dentist can apply the resin to your tooth, then shape it match your tooth’s ideal size, shape, and contour. Then, your dentist will harden and polish the resin until it looks, shines, and feels as natural as the rest of your tooth.
What does bonding fix?
Composite resin isn’t just lifelike in appearance, but also strong and durable enough to withstand your bite’s pressure. Because of its versatility, bonding can be recommended for several different issues, including severe tooth stains, chipped edges, cracked surfaces, uneven spaces, and more. To determine if bonding is right for you, your dentist will first carefully examine your smile and diagnose your smile’s exact concerns.
Can I bond several teeth?
If you have several teeth that need cosmetic improvement, then your dentist might suggest a more comprehensive option, such as porcelain veneers. Having several teeth with cosmetic issues may eventually have an impact on your bite, especially if those teeth are chipped or worn. With veneers, your dentist can fully restore and preserve your bite’s balance and function more successfully than bonding can.
Ask Us if Bonding Is Right for You
If you have a tooth that needs cosmetic improvement, then conservative tooth bonding may be the best solution. To learn more, schedule a consultation by calling Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA immediately at (515) 965-0230.