Pain: What To Think About It

How should you view dental pain, you may wonder to yourself? Should you think of it as something to wait for, which will act as your body’s announcement that you need dental care? Should you do your best to deal with it once it arrives, giving it time to go away? Should you call us up the second you feel even the slightest twinge of discomfort? This sensation can cause a lot of confusion, which is why we would like to make it easier for you to address when it shows up!

Don’t Wait For It!

Don’t let dental pain be your indicator of whether you need time with our practice. If it shows up and you want to see us, then by all means, come in! However, if you are not experiencing any type of discomfort, don’t assume that this means your oral health is in perfect condition. Always take the time required for twice-annual visits, so your cleanings and your exams allow you to continue to enjoy a smile that’s comfortable and truly healthy.

Don’t React Emotionally

Yes, this is very easy for us to say. However, when you’re the one with dental pain, it can be difficult not to react emotionally! You may feel annoyed and frustrated and, as a result, decide you want to ignore it. You may feel extremely worried and as a result become anxious. We remind you to leave emotion out of it. Pain can be quite innocuous (perhaps you irritated your gum without realizing it, you think your tooth hurts, but all is actually just fine). Or, it can mean a problem is present. Instead, see us! A dental visit will give you answers and let you receive the care that you require (if you require any at all).

See Us When Dental Pain Shows Up

If you experience dental pain, let us know. It’s better to receive a checkup than to ignore a potential (and fixable) problem! Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.