4 Ways The Stuff You Eat Affects Your Oral Health

Do you ever think about the fact that the foods you eat and the beverages you drink happen to have quite a serious effect on your oral health? In some cases, the choices you may can have a greater impact over a longer amount of time. In other cases, just one snack can lead to an immediate influence on your smile health! If you’re not fully sure about the different ways choosing one type of food (over another) can lead to protection or damage, our Ankeny, IA team is certainly ready to help!

#1: Some Foods And Drinks Can Discolor It (Others Don’t)

Certain foods and drinks that you consume may negatively affect the color of your smile. While this won’t necessarily mean bad news for your oral health, you may feel like a stained smile looks like you aren’t taking very good care of your teeth. Watch out for deeply pigmented drinks and foods (and rinse and brush after you enjoy them).

#2: Some Stuff Will Feed Bacteria (Others Won’t)

If you want to be extra careful with your oral health as you try to avoid issues like tooth decay and gum disease, remember that these are caused by too much bacteria. They are also caused by feeding bacteria (they love sugars and starches, so steer clear of too many for a healthier grin).

#3: Some Products Are Full Of Important Nutrients!

Some foods are beverages are full of nutrients like calcium and vitamins that your smile needs! Remember that fruits, veggies, dairy, protein, and more are all good for your smile. Eat a varied diet to promote oral health (Need tips? Just ask!).

#4: Some Can Crack Or Break Your Teeth

Very hard foods are usually quite a threat to your oral health because they can simply end up causing physical cracks and breaks. We always tell our patients to watch out for anything that appears to be very difficult to bite into because it can land you in our chair for restorative care. When you’re careful, you can usually avoid smile damage.

Consider The Impact Your Diet Has On Your Smile With Our Help

If you’re curious about your diet, its impact on your smile, and how to make beneficial changes, let us know! We can certainly offer guidance. Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.