Setting Up An Appointment To Discuss Tooth Pain Or Swelling

Beyond attending regular dental exams, you may not expect to see much of your dentist. People who practice smart habits at home by thoroughly brushing and flossing, while also maintaining a smart diet, can ensure they have few issues between these appointments. With that said, you may find yourself caught off guard by symptoms of dental trouble that seem to demand treatment before your next scheduled appointment. Problems with pain and swelling around a tooth can be difficult to ignore, and they can suggest that something is significantly wrong with your dental health. At our Ankeny, IA dentist’s office, we can make time to examine your tooth if you are experiencing this issues, and determine how we can restore your oral health.

Why Am I Experiencing Issues With My Tooth?

If you experience tooth pain, swelling around the tooth, or sensitivity that makes eating difficult, you could have a problem with an infected tooth. Infections can be caused by physical injuries and untreated decay. The problems you are experiencing can be caused by bacteria attacking the living tissues housed within your tooth, which can create a level of discomfort that is hard to ignore. If you feel that the matter is serious, treating it as a priority can be important, as an infection can eventually cause the loss of your tooth!

Arranging Treatment For Dental Pain And Swelling

When you have symptoms of a tooth infection, explain the situation when calling to arrange a visit with your dentist. After discussing the matter, our practice can make arrangements so that your problem is addressed. Unless the problem has grown too severe already, an infected tooth’s health can be restored through a root canal procedure. Root canals involve the careful removal of infected tissues within your tooth, a process followed by a sealing of your pulp. The overall work can keep you safe against a future infection, and stop bacteria from moving to other areas of your body to cause problems. After this work is done, the tooth can be restored with a dental crown.

What Can I Expect After Treatment?

After your root canal treatment is performed, and you have your permanent dental crown in place, you should be free of problems with pain and swelling. The restoration put in place is made to be strong enough to take on the biting and chewing pressures that were once applied to your tooth. Because of this, you should not experience an unwelcome change in your dental function.

Reach Out To Your Ankeny, IA Dentist About Tooth Pain And Swelling

At our Ankeny, IA dentist’s office, patients who are bothered by signs of a tooth infection can contact us to arrange treatment. To find out more, please call Dental Impressions at (515) 965-0230.