Poor Oral Health Can Cause Embarrassing Problems

Have you grown embarrassed about the condition of your smile? Has bad breath become a frequent source of anxiety and discomfort for you? In addition to putting your health at risk, a poor approach to dental care can leave you embarrassed about the state of your teeth. Fortunately, you can fight problems through better habits at home, and with the support of preventive dental care. Our Ankeny, IA dentist’s office has experience caring for patients who have grown uncomfortable with the condition of their teeth and gums. While in-office support certainly matters, you should make your own smile health a priority between visits if you want to boost your confidence!

A Professional Cleaning Can Address Visible Tartar Buildup

Tartar deposits can lead to problems with tooth decay as well as gum disease. During a routine dental visit, your dental cleaning can remove any accumulated tartar buildup. This can help you become less likely to experience oral health problems, and it can also clear away sticky, unattractive deposits that people may be able to see on your teeth. While tartar buildup is something that you cannot remove by brushing and flossing, the right habits at home can prevent its formation.

Bad Breath? It Could Be Gingivitis

If bad breath starts to feel inescapable, it may be linked to problems with gingivitis. Gingivitis can be expressed in several ways. Bad breath is one symptom of many – you can also have problems with gums that bleed too easily when you brush and floss, or you may notice that tissues look swollen or discolored. You should take care to clean the area where your teeth and gums meet if you want to fight the bacteria that can cause an infection. You can do this while brushing, as well as when you floss.

A Permanent Restoration Can Address Dental Damage

An older problem with dental damage may have left you with lasting discomfort over your appearance. Injuries that chip or crack a tooth can be a problem for your smile symmetry, and may attract unwanted attention to an unhealthy tooth. If the problem is serious enough, it may put you at risk for infection or make you vulnerable to more damage. Treatment with a dental crown can restore your appearance and also make it easier for you to put bite pressure on your damaged tooth.

Your Ankeny, IA Dentist Can Address Embarrassing Oral Health Issues

Our Ankeny, IA dentist’s office has experience helping patients recover from oral health issues that have left them feeling embarrassed. The right procedure can help you deal with something like chronic bad breath, or it can help you deal with cosmetic issues that put you in a self-conscious state. For more information about our services, call Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA at (515) 965-0230.