Will I Need A Periodontal Cleaning At My Next Dental Visit?

At a routine dental checkup, there are several actions taken by your dentist and hygienist to help you prevent oral health issues. Your dentist will closely evaluate your smile to see what issues might be present, and to determine if you require treatment for dental decay. Your hygienist will clear away all of the plaque and tartar deposits that are found on your smile during an inspection. At a typical checkup at our Ankeny, IA dentist’s office, a periodontal cleaning is not performed. However, if you show signs of gingivitis at your appointment, this procedure is recommended to stop an infection from worsening. Through a periodontal cleaning, also known as a scaling and root planing, bacteria already gathering beneath your gum line are cleared away to address issues with gingivitis.

How Periodontal Cleaning Differs From Traditional Teeth Cleaning

While a standard teeth cleaning is thorough, it focuses only on cleaning the portions of your teeth that are above your gum line. If you are not showing signs of poor periodontal health, this can be enough to keep you safe against different oral health threats. However, if you show signs of gingivitis, it indicates that an infection has already occurred as bacteria traveled below your gum line. To address this infection, a careful cleaning of your teeth below your gum line takes place.

What To Expect When You Undergo A Periodontal Cleaning

A periodontal cleaning is a more thorough treatment than a teeth cleaning, and it can take longer to complete. In some cases, it may be necessary to split this procedure across two visits. Care is taken during this procedure to thoroughly clear away all harmful deposits below your gum line so that infection is stopped. Follow this treatment with an increased effort to clean at your gum line in order to avoid future problems with infections.

Tips For Avoiding Periodontal Problems In The Future

While gingivitis can be caught and effectively treated, be aware that advanced gum disease can become a lasting problem that creates real oral health concerns, including a heightened risk for tooth loss. In addition to undergoing periodontal cleanings, you can fight to preserve your gum health by targeting the bases of teeth whenever you brush and floss. By doing so, you can remove harmful bacteria before another infection occurs. A more thorough routine will also help you avoid dental decay, which means you are less likely to require restorative dental work at a future appointment.

Your Ankeny, IA Dentist’s Office Can Protect Your Gums By Offering Periodontal Cleanings

Our Ankeny, IA dentist’s office is prepared to help patients who are exhibiting signs of poor periodontal health. In addition to helping you avoid dental problems, we offer services like periodontal cleanings to fight problems and restore the health of your smile! If you wish to learn more about our services, please contact Dental Impressions at (515) 965-0230.