Changing Your Brushing Habits To Improve Your Oral Hygiene

Do you feel confident that you are doing enough to protect your smile against problems like tooth decay and gum disease? If these issues have affected you in the recent past, what changes can you make to avoid them in the future? Our Ankeny, IA dentist’s office is prepared to help patients who struggle to maintain good oral hygiene. The care provided in the course of a routine dental checkup will help with this. In addition to giving patients early warnings about problems with their smile, we provide thorough teeth cleanings that remove harmful plaque and tartar from their smiles. We can also offer guidance to help you practice better daily smile care. If you want to better protect yourself against dental decay and gum disease, one thing to do is look for ways to improve your brushing routine to ensure your teeth stay clean and healthy.

Could You Be Doing More For Your Smile When You Brush?

A person who wants to protect their teeth should brush them at least twice a day. If you are sticking to this schedule, it means you should be comfortable and familiar with the practice. While familiarity is not inherently a bad thing, it can lead to a complacency that results in inattention. In other words, you may not have noticed that your brushing routine has become less effective in time. Unfortunately, some patients fail to consider that this is a problem for them until they start to experience problems that require restorative dental work!

Be Sure That You Avoid These Common Mistakes

There are a few issues that you should watch out for when you start to reexamine your brushing routine. First, think about how consistent you really are with your oral hygiene habits. If you think it is fair to say that you only brush twice a day “most” of the time or less, you are leaving yourself more vulnerable to oral health issues than you might realize. If you are being consistent, think about how much time you spend cleaning your smile. It should take at least two minutes for you to fully clean your teeth if you want to reach every area. Pay attention to what you use to clean your smile, too. If you have a toothbrush that is more than three months old, or one with bristles that look worn, you should pick up a replacement. You also need to verify that your toothbrush and toothpaste have received ADA seals of approval.

How Regular Dental Exams Protect Your Oral Hygiene

Even if you have great brushing habits, remember that regular dental exams are still important. These visits do more than just protect you against cavities and provide you with a teeth cleaning. Your dentist also helps you by watching out for problems like gum disease, wear and tear from bruxism, and other concerns!

Your Ankeny, IA Dentist Can Improve Your Oral Hygiene

At our Ankeny, IA dentist’s office, patients who have trouble preventing oral health problems can receive helpful care in the office as well as beneficial guidance on daily care. To find out more or make an appointment, contact Dental Impressions at (515) 965-0230 to schedule a visit.