Start the New Year with a Radiant Smile

For many of us, a major goal for 2021 is to stay on top of our health, whether it be physical, mental, or oral. That being said, having a healthy smile is a major accomplishment, but what happens when you do not one hundred percent love it? The truth of the matter is that your grin endures a significant amount of wear and tear over the years, meaning that its appearance can become dull or otherwise lackluster. In today’s blog, your Ankeny, IA dentist wants to help you enjoy all aspects of your smile, which means starting the year off with a vibrant, radiant shine.

Are You a Candidate for Teeth-Whitening?

Because so many factors contribute to our mile’s appearance, nearly every adult can benefit from a teeth-whitening procedure. Whether from the foods and beverages with high acid content or ability to stain, or from another circumstance, our grin endures a lot. In fact, it is the only dental procedure that is so common and simple, it is even offered over the counter at most pharmacies! While these may be convenient, not all of them are quality and efficient. Fortunately, our office offers a safe and highly-effective whitening procedure that can be performed in a single visit. Our team will perform a careful examination to determine if the method will address your specific stains or if a more appropriate cosmetic procedure is more fitting for your needs. With guaranteed results, you will not have to worry about the procedure’s effectiveness nor will you need to schedule multiple visits. For more information or to schedule your appointment, contact us today.

What the Process Entails

When you come in for your treatment, your dentist will apply a strong but safe bleaching gel to your teeth that is then stimulated with a special light that allows the gel to actively break up stains and remove them from the surfaces of your teeth. The gel can enhance your grin up to multiple shades, and can be completed in one simple treatment. What’s more, we offer portability in our treatments, meaning you take it home and perform the treatment when it is convenient for you as well. We do not believe in a “one-size-fits-all” solution either, as each smile has its own unique set of needs and parameters. For this reason, your whitening solution kit is custom-created to address the unique needs of your grin.

Enjoying the Benefits of Your Grin

While stains on your teeth can be a nuisance (especially if they are the only blemish in the way of an otherwise perfect smile) and even cause you to feel less confident about your grin, they can typically be treated in a simple and customizable procedure with professional whitening. For more information or to schedule your visit with us, contact Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA by calling 515-965-0230 today.