We Provide In-Office Care To Help Fight Gingivitis

When you brush and floss your teeth at home, you fight the buildup of harmful oral bacteria that can cause you to develop problems with gingivitis. Unfortunately, people who stick to good routines can still find themselves affected by problems with their periodontal health. One reason you should consistently schedule dental exams is that you can receive warnings about gingivitis if signs of infection are present. At our Ankeny, IA dentist’s office, we can identify the symptoms of an infection and provide in-office care to resolve your troubles. By taking care of this problem before it worsens, we can protect you from long-term complications from an infection.

Why We Look For Signs Of Gingivitis During Dental Exams

At every routine dental exam, our practice will look closely at your smile for signs of gingivitis. We check for gum disease in addition to looking for problems with tooth decay, bruxism, and other issues because untreated periodontal problems can have serious consequences. Over time, an infection that is not treated will worsen as bacteria continue to multiply and spread. The infection can become difficult to manage, and it can lead to long-term problems with your general health. It can also lead to tooth loss, as bacteria can attack and destroy the tissues that support teeth. When evidence of gingivitis is found during a routine review, we can take action by providing a careful cleaning to remove the agents responsible.

What Periodontal Treatment Does For You

A periodontal treatment provided in the office will remove harmful bacteria buildup below your gum line. By removing these unwelcome microbes, we can give your periodontal tissues the chance to recover from an infection and return to good health. It should be noted that your routine appointments keep you safe against future bouts of gingivitis by removing plaque and tartar at the base of teeth.

Avoiding Future Problems With Gingivitis

Just as you should maintain a daily oral hygiene routine that prevents problems with tooth decay, you should also take care to maintain habits that will prevent gum disease from becoming an issue. Fighting the buildup of oral bacteria by brushing and flossing will be important. It can be particularly important to focus your attention on the base of your teeth when you clean, as overlooking this area can lead to more buildup of microbes that can infect your periodontal tissues.

Dental Impressions Can Help You Protect Your Gums!

Patients who come to our Ankney, IA dentist’s office can count on our support against gum disease as well as tooth decay. To find out more about our services, or to discuss any concerns you might have about your oral health right now, please contact Dental Impressions at (515) 965-0230 to schedule a visit.