Should you really make restorative dental work a priority if you have a missing tooth? How worried should you be if the missing tooth is difficult for people to see? While a visible gap left by a tooth’s absence can be embarrassing, you should regard this as more than just a cosmetic issue. One thing our Ankeny, IA dentist’s office can do to help you is close the space with a custom dental bridge. A bridge can act as a permanent replacement for a missing tooth, as it is set in position with a pair of dental crowns that keep it stable enough to help you bite and chew without problems.
Tooth Loss Is More Than Just A Cosmetic Concern
Tooth loss can impact your appearance significantly, making you look older and less healthy. It can also impact your well-being in several alarming ways. You can have more difficulty biting and chewing. If you do not address this, increased stress on your jaw joints and muscles can lead to chronic pain, an increase in teeth grinding, and joint stiffness. You can also experience the loss of more teeth. Without neighbors on each side to stabilize it, a tooth can begin to loosen and eventually be lost.
Restoring Your Full Smile With A Dental Bridge
Dental bridges are custom-made appliances that will remain in place thanks to dental crowns at either side of the prosthetic. The crowns cap teeth at either side of your gap. Once they are set in position, you will be able to bite and chew with your restoration, which is durable enough to both remain in position and provide functional support. Because these restorations are made from lifelike substances like porcelain and zirconia, the prosthetic tooth and crowns can serve as a good cosmetic match! If you have several teeth missing, and they are not in the same area, your dentist may discuss the advantages of a partial denture, a removable appliance that can fill separate gaps.
Should You Use A Dental Implant To Support Your Bridge?
In some cases, patients will benefit from having one dental implant (or several) inserted to hold their bridge. The advantage to a dental implant is that it helps to stabilize the roots of neighboring teeth. It will also help by stimulating the surrounding jawbone tissue and preventing deterioration. Your dentist can perform a review and see if you are a good candidate for treatment with an implant and also discuss its benefits as part of your treatment.
Talk To Your Ankeny, IA Dentist About Receiving A Dental Bridge
Individuals who are missing teeth can come to our Ankeny, IA dentist’s office to discuss the benefits of receiving a dental bridge! If you have questions about this approach to restoring an incomplete smile, or if there are any other matters we can help you with, contact Dental Impressions at (515) 965-0230 to schedule a visit.