Take Part In First Student Ankeny’s Stuff The Bus Event

On Saturday, September 17, Ankeny area residents are encouraged to come out and help First Student Ankeny take part in a special charity event for the Animal Rescue League Of Iowa! From 10am until 2pm that day, a collection drive for pet-friendly goods will take place—toys, food, cat litter, and other helpful items will be gathered. This is a great chance for you to turn out in support of a good cause, and those who are interested can learn about professional driving opportunities with First Student Ankeny.

Proper smile care, like proper pet care, has many benefits. When you keep up with good daily hygiene habits and a smart diet, you can lower your risk for the kinds of problems that have to be addressed through restorative dentistry. Our Ankeny, IA dentist’s office is happy to help you protect yourself against different threats when you come in for routine reviews, and we can also support you whenever there are issues that are identified that require treatment.


The Stuff The Bus event is taking place on Saturday, September 17. This event will continue to take donations from 10am until 2pm that day.


The collections will be taken at the Animal Rescue League Of Iowa, which is located at 5452 N.E. 22nd St Des Moines, IA.

Activities Include:

For this special charity event, First Student Ankeny is asking that people turn out to donate items that the local animal shelter can use to care for animals being housed and cared for. Some of the items you can donate include cat and dog food, toys, large Kongs for dogs, and kitty litter.

For More Information:

For more information on this upcoming special charity event, click here.

Count On Committed Smile Care From Dental Impressions In Ankeny, IA!

Proper pet care takes time and attention. You need to give your smile your attention, too, but you can count on the support of your dentist during regular exams and cleanings to make its maintenance easier. Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA provides important ongoing preventive services, and we can step in and provide restorative and cosmetic services whenever they are required. If you would like to find out more, reach out to Dental Impressions at (515) 965-0230 to schedule a visit.