ankeny dental cleaning

Dental Fillings Treat Cavities In Just One Visit

If you have a cavity, then we can offer treatment in only one visit with a dental filling. In addition, the restoration offers a natural appearance too! In today’s blog, your Ankeny, IA, dentist talks about how we treat cavities in only one visit with our composite resin dental filling.

The Causes and Risks of a Cavity

Tooth decay can impact smiles of all ages, from kids to adults, and occurs when certain harmful bacteria make contact with the dentin, the sensitive structure beneath the outer enamel. The resulting cavity then grows and spreads through the tooth with time, leading to worsening pain and even the risk of infection. The exposed dentin could be due to plaque buildup weakening enamel, or an injury that compromises the outer enamel. To fight tooth decay, you and your family need to brush twice a day for two minutes with a fluoride toothpaste, floss every evening, and eat a healthy diet with less sugar and starch!

Composite Fillings

Metal fillings are effective, but they can be problematic for young children, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with metal allergies. Instead, we use a composite resin filling. The material is metal-free and made from a blend of glass-like and acrylic-like particles. We shade the composite material to ensure it can blend with the rest of your tooth and offer a lifelike material. The biocompatible nature means the restoration can last for years to come. We use the same material in our dental bonding procedure, which allows us to repair damage and mask cosmetic imperfections.

Treating Cavities

When you have a cavity, our team will numb the tooth to ensure you’re comfortable as we remove decay and clean the tooth. Next, we will prepare and place the material in several different layers. As we cure the material underneath a light, we will sculpt and mold the tooth. The last step is to polish the tooth, which offers a brighter appearance. In only one visit, our team can treat your cavity and provide lifelike results. We would also love to see you for checkups and cleanings every six months, so we can watch for the earliest signs of future cavities and take action to protect your smile.

If you have any questions about diagnosing and treating tooth decay, or about our composite resin dental filling, then contact our team today to learn more.

Speak With Your Ankeny, IA, Dentist About Restorative Dentistry

Our team is here to help you enjoy a healthy smile and a lifelike restoration, often in only one visit! If you would like to find out more about the treatments we offer for your teeth, then please contact your Ankeny, IA, dentist’s office at (515) 207-6182 to schedule a visit.