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Using Composite Resin To Repair Your Smile

Restorative dentistry provides treatments to repair your smile’s function and appearance after injury. If you have problems with tooth decay or physical injuries to one or more of your teeth, we often employ composite resin to restore your smile. From creating dental fillings and crowns to performing a dental bond, we could use this versatile material to make your tooth look whole again. Because resin can take form instantly, you will find yourself able to return to normal eating and drinking activities immediately after leaving your dental appointment. In the past, metal amalgam fillings required long wait times for your filling to heal, but with resin, we can expedite your repair work.

At your Ankeny, IA dental practice, we can inspect your smile for any signs of wear and tear and provide the proper restoration. If your smile is otherwise completely healthy, we also use resin material to provide cosmetic procedures such as helping whiten your teeth. By learning more about the strength of this material, you can feel confident in the work you recieve from our team.

Dental Fillings

When we detect a cavity at your dental checkup, we will suggest repairing it right away. After carefully removing all decaying material from your tooth, we must reform the protective seal of your enamel to prevent future infection. When appropriately sized, we can apply a dental filling that bonds instantly to your tooth. The composite resin we employ sets in far more quickly than metal amalgam fillings of the past. Because we focus on the aesthetics of your smile as well as its health, we will shade your restoration to match your natural smile. To complete the procedure, we will polish your tooth to brighten its appearance.

Dental Bonding

Composite resin also plays an important part in our cosmetic procedures. At Dental Impressions of Ankeny, we perform bonding and contouring treatments to build up or shave down the structure of a tooth into a more uniform eye-pleasing appearance. When bonding a structure, we simply apply layers of resin that we sculpt into the desired shape. For teeth that do not respond well to cosmetic whitening procedures, a bonding session can instantly place the color of the tooth you desire.

When performing a contouring treatment, we will take x-rays of your smile to ensure you have enough enamel to remain after removing a small portion. Using special tools we can bring down your tooth to a more pleasant size. Before either treatment, we apply a local anesthetic to help you avoid discomfort or pain throughout.

Talk To Your Ankeny, IA, Dentist About Repairing Your Dental Injury

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of composite resin, please contact your Ankeny, IA, dentist’s office at (515) 207-6182 to schedule a visit. We look forward to repairing any smile injuries and helping you achieve your cosmetic goals!