Beautiful old woman is smiling toothy. Isolated on gray background

Porcelain Veneers Enhance Your Smile’s Beauty

Is your smile as enticing as you would like? If small imperfections have been building over the years, it can start to take a toll on your confidence. But by exploring your options for cosmetic restoration, you can enjoy a brand new smile with minimal alteration to your existing teeth. While individual flaws may be best served by a bonding procedure or dental crown, what should you do when you have multiple problems with your smile’s appearance? In this instance, we suggest placing porcelain veneers that cover the front of each tooth. Made from uniquely shaped caps of dental ceramic, each veneer can recreate the natural look that composes a beautiful smile. Because we design each cap’s size, shape, and shade, they can help treat a wide variety of cosmetic concerns. Consider this procedure when tackling problems with discoloration or consistent grinding.

At your Ankeny, IA, dental office, we understand that your smile’s appearance contributes greatly to your overall well-being. When you look good, you feel good! This means that pursuing a smile makeover can be a great benefit to your mental health. If your smile could use a touch of cosmetic improvement, talk to our team about designing a set of porcelain veneers!

Taking On Multiple Imperfections With Porcelain Veneers

When your teeth experience problems with spacing, veneers offer an alternative to orthodontic correction by simply filling the gaps within your smile. This ability to redesign a tooth’s shape comes in handy when treating other problems of uniformity. If you are experiencing discoloration issues, but are told that the problem is due to lack of enamel, professional teeth whitening may not bring back your original hue. In this instance, the ability to select your dental ceramic’s shade will bring the bright, white look you crave! Talk to our team if you begin to notice cracks or other physical damage on the surface of your smile. We can create a restorative process that takes into account these imperfections when creating your makeover solution.

Designing Your Custom Restorations

At your initial consultation, we will discuss your options for cosmetic dental enhancement. If you decide to pursue veneer placement, we begin by taking comprehensive measurements of your teeth and other oral structures. At this same visit, we perform preparatory work to create enough space to receive your brand-new smile. After sending your measurements to an offsite lab, a technician creates your veneer set and sends it back to our office. When you return for a follow-up visit, we will inspect your veneers together to see that they meet our mutual specifications. We can perform alterations at this time before moving forward with placement. By bonding your treatment directly to the front of your existing teeth, you leave the office with your procedure complete. To care for your veneers, continue dutifully brushing and flossing your smile each morning and evening.

Talk To Your Ankeny, IA, Dentist About Desirable Cosmetic Restorations

If you would like to learn more about this or any other of our cosmetic treatments, please contact your Ankeny, IA, dentist’s office at (515) 207-6182 to schedule a visit.