How long has it been since your last dental checkup? Sticking to your schedule of cleanings and examinations helps you to identify and treat any concerns quickly, so it is important to follow the treatment plan that your dentist gives to you. Most people require these appointments every six months, so if it has been a while since your last visit, take this opportunity to find your way back to your oral health provider.
At our helpful dental office in Ankeny, NY, we understand the value of prevention in keeping your smile happy and safe as you age. Common concerns such as tooth decay and periodontal disease can creep up on you when you skip your semiannual dental checkups, so even if you feel that you are doing a great job with your brushing and flossing, spend some time with your dental provider. When it is time for your next dental cleaning and examination, talk to our team at Dental Impressions about scheduling your next appointment!
Your Regular Exams Help You To Be Proactive In Your Dentistry
Part of your schedule of prevention is a routine dental examination with your oral health provider. You might feel that this is easy to put off, especially if you are dedicated to your brushing and flossing, but please stick to your schedule of appointments. Most adults need these visits every six months, and if you have certain environmental or genetic factors, you may need an accelerated schedule of treatment. Talk to your dentist about your needs, and then follow through with your treatment plan.
While you are in the office, your provider will check for cavities and let you know if you need a filling to keep your smile safe. In addition, they will check your mouth for the signs of periodontal disease. This condition is commonly referred to as the leading cause of tooth loss, so take your exams seriously!
Experience A Fresher Smile With A Thorough Dental Cleaning
Alongside your examination, there is another pivotal part of your dental prevention. Your routine dental cleanings serve to supplement your routine brushing and flossing, and these can help you feel better immediately and prevent serious dental harm.
As plaque develops on the surface of your teeth and along your gumline, it can harden into a tougher form known as tartar. Both of these forms of biofilm can cause serious damage to your smile, and when you struggle with tartar, you need the help of a trusted dental professional to remove it.
Schedule Your Next Appointment At Dental Impressions
If it has been a while since your last dental appointment, take some time to meet with our team. To learn more or to schedule your next appointment, give us a call at our Ankeny, IA, dentist’s office at (515) 207-6182 to schedule a visit.