Ankeny, IA, dentist offers treatment for bruxism

Find A Helpful Solution For Bruxism

Constantly grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw can put your overall well-being at risk. This condition can harm your smile, interrupt your sleep, and may worsen TMJ dysfunction. Your Ankeny, IA, dental team can help you relieve your symptoms and protect your pearly whites with an oral appliance. In today’s blog, we’ll explore what you need to know about this chronic problem.

Read more: Find A Helpful Solution For Bruxism

Excessive Teeth Grinding Is Not Done On Purpose

Bruxism causes patients to chronically grind their teeth together. This is often done when you are asleep or unaware that it is happening. For this reason, it can be difficult to notice it is happening and stop. This condition may be caused by a combination of factors including your genetics, smile misalignment, high stress, and more. If you occasionally clench your jaw when you are stressed, this may not be an indicator of a chronic problem. However, if this happens frequently and begins to cause symptoms like headaches, tooth sensitivity, and more, it could be a sign of a serious problem. Your dentist may be able to notice signs of worn-down teeth or sensitivity before you do, so it’s important that you come in for your biannual checkups.

Bruxism May Worsen TMJ Problems

The chronic grinding of your teeth can wear away your enamel, make your pearly whites feel more sensitive, and can cause headaches. It may also worsen symptoms of TMJ if you have it. TMJ disorder happens when too much pressure is placed on your jaw joints. This can lead to difficulty moving the joints, opening your mouth, and discomfort around your face, jaw, or neck. While bruxism does not directly cause this problem, it can worsen your symptoms because of the pressure exerted when you clench your jaw together. Patients with TMD are frequently found to also have bruxism, and the disorders can often be treated with the same methods.

You Don’t Need Surgery Or Complicated Treatments

You may worry that TMD requires surgery to fix since it affects your jaw. Luckily, though, this concern can often be addressed with a non-surgical approach. Your dentist will first need to diagnose the problem by assessing your symptoms. Your next checkup is a good time to mention side effects like frequent headaches, pain around your neck and jaws, sensitive teeth, or other problems you may be experiencing. The team can combine these symptoms with signs noticed during your biannual examination to create a diagnosis. An oral appliance is an effective way to treat these conditions. It can protect your pearly whites from grinding against each other and can also balance the pressure placed on your jaw joints.

Schedule An Appointment With Our Team Today

The team at Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, can help relieve symptoms of chronic teeth grinding. To learn more, call our office at (515) 965-0230.