Ankeny, IA, dentist offers dental fillings

How You Can Prevent Tooth Decay

Finding out you have a cavity during your biannual checkup can be disappointing. After all, you do your best to take care of your smile and avoid this problem. While discovering you have a cavity can be frustrating, your team at Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, is here to help. Today, well discuss how to avoid tooth decay and what to do if you experience cavities.

Read more: How You Can Prevent Tooth Decay

Take Care Of Your Smile At Home

Cavities can usually be treated with a dental filling, but one of the best things you can do for your smile is prevent them in the first place. At home, you should brush and floss twice a day. These steps help remove food particles and bacteria that can accumulate throughout the day. Flossing is a crucial part of this routine that many people skip. Flossing can help rid of bacteria that builds up between your teeth, so don’t skip this important part of your hygiene routine. If you are a frequent snacker, remember to rinse your mouth out between snacks and meals. A well-balanced diet can also help reduce the chances of tooth decay. Foods that are high in sugar or acids can increase the chances of cavities, so limit those when you can.

Come In For A Biannual Checkup

You should also visit your dentist twice a year for a cleaning and examination. During this visit, your hygienist will clean your teeth and remove hardened plaque that your toothbrush cannot get. This helps prevent the plaque from turning into a cavity. Your dentist will also examine your oral cavity during your visit and look for signs of decay, gingivitis, and other concerns. These problems can be difficult to notice on your own because they can go without symptoms for several months. If they notice early signs of decay, they may recommend preventive measures like fluoride and an improved oral hygiene routine to reverse this problem. If a cavity has fully formed, they will recommend that you come in for a dental filling to restore your tooth.

Schedule Dental Fillings When Necessary

It’s important that you come in for a dental filling as soon as possible when you find out you have a cavity. The sooner this restoration is done, the less chance there is of further damage occurring.  Fillings are a minimally invasive restoration that involve removing the decayed part of your tooth, cleaning the space left behind, and adding a strong material to support and protect your pearly whites. This process can protect your pearly whites from serious cavities and infections. We offer other restorations that can repair your smile after harm. If you are experiencing a broken or weakened tooth, it’s important to treat this problem as soon as possible to avoid discomfort and other severe side effects.

Come In For Your Checkup!

Biannual cleanings and examinations can help detect cavities early. To schedule an appointment with Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, call us today at (515) 965-0230.