Ankeny, IA, dentist offers dental crowns

Restore Your Confidence With Dental Crowns

In our last blog, we discussed how dental fillings can help restore your tooth after decay. This treatment is essential in keeping your smile in good health. Other oral health concerns, like broken teeth or more serious damage, can be restored with other treatment options. Today, your Ankeny, IA, family dentist talks about dental crowns.

Read more: Restore Your Confidence With Dental Crowns

Repair Your Pearly Whites After Damage

You may already know that a dental filling is used to stop a cavity from forming. The damaged part of your tooth will be taken out and replaced with a stronger material to restore your dental structure and protect it after damage. But what do you do if the cavity is severe, or you have experienced more significant damage to the area? If you have chipped, cracked, broken, or have severely worn down one of your pearly whites, a dental crown can be placed on top of it to protect it. This restoration may also be used after a root canal procedure or when having a dental bridge installed to replace a tooth that has been lost.

The Cap Will Fit Your Tooth Precisely

Before creating the restoration, you oral cavity will be examined by your dentist and the injury will be looked at. Impressions may be taken of the area to create the crown. This restoration works as a tooth-shaped cap that covers the top of your pearly white. The measurements taken will be used to create a custom fitting cap made of materials like zirconia, porcelain, or porcelain-fused-to-metal, depending on where it will be placed. The cap can protect your tooth from further harm, restore it after it has been weakened, and improve its appearance. If a damaged pearly white is not treated after an injury, you could be at risk of further damage or the area becoming infected.

Protect Your Tooth From Further Harm

There are many reasons why you may need to have this restoration done, from cavities to bruxism and many reasons in between. Although we can repair the damage in most cases, you will want to prevent injuries in the future to avoid extra treatments. Remember to practice a regular oral hygiene routine at home to prevent cavities from forming. If you grind your teeth often, it could be a sign of bruxism, and you should have your dentist examine your smile and go over your symptoms. This can be treated with the help of an oral appliance in most cases to protect your teeth from grinding against each other and becoming worn down.

Ask Your Dentist About These Restorations

Dental crowns can protect your teeth after they have experienced damage. To schedule an appointment for this treatment, call Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, today at (515) 965-0230.