Ankeny, IA, dentist offers treatment for bruxism

Three Signs That You May Be Grinding Your Teeth At Night

Bruxism is a condition that causes patients to chronically grind their teeth or clench their jaw together. This can be difficult to notice because it often happens at night or when you are unaware, and it could be a sign of a more serious sleep disorder. Your Dental Impressions team in Ankeny, IA, is here today to discuss common symptoms of this disorder.

Read more: Three Signs That You May Be Grinding Your Teeth At Night

Your Teeth Have Become More Sensitive

Have you noticed that your teeth have a lingering sensation of discomfort after eating certain foods? If this type of sensitivity is a new change, it could be because you have been grinding your teeth when you are unaware. Over time, this action can cause your enamel to become worn down, which in return makes your pearly whites feel more sensitive when eating or drinking. At your next checkup, you should discuss these symptoms with your dentist. They may be able to examine your smile and find other visual signs of a condition like bruxism. After discussing your symptoms and other signs, they can help find a treatment for you, such as with an oral appliance.

You Often Wake Up With A Headache Or Soreness

Soreness around your jaw, teeth, or frequent headaches may also be a sign of bruxism. This chronic problem often happens when you are asleep or otherwise unaware, and may be caused by genetic factors, bite problems, and other external reasons. If you often wake up with pain around your face or a headache, it could be due to the action of clenching your jaw together at night or gnashing your teeth against each other. Your dentist may be able to create an oral appliance that you can wear at night to protect your pearly whites from this habit and relieve these uncomfortable symptoms.

You Don’t Feel Well-Rested In The Mornings

If you wake up in the morning after a full eight hours and still feel groggy or tired, it may be due to a sleep disorder. Bruxism may be a side effect of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) that causes you to periodically stop breathing throughout the night, which can disrupt your sleep cycle. As a result, you can wake up in the morning feeling exhausted, irritated, or fatigued. If your spouse or other family members notice that you snore loudly at night or hear a clicking noise when you sleep, these could be signs of these sleep disorders and should be examined by a professional as soon as possible.

We Can Help Treat This Problem!

Bruxism can harm your oral health, but we are here to help. To schedule an appointment with our team, call Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, today at (515) 965-0230.