Ankeny, IA, dentist offers dental implants

Dental Implants Can Help Renew Your Smile

The team at Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, is here to help you restore your smile after tooth loss. We offer several options, including bridges and partial dentures, that can replace your missing pearly whites and boost your confidence again. In today’s blog, we’re here to talk about dental implants which can recreate your entire missing dental structure.

Read more: Dental Implants Can Help Renew Your Smile

Replacing A Tooth That Has Been Knocked Out

Losing a tooth as an adult can be traumatic and worrisome. You may worry about what your smile will look like and what the long term effects of this could be. If you have lost one due to an injury, it’s important to have the area examined as soon as possible so that any necessary treatments can be done promptly. You may be able to receive a dental implant that can recreate both the root and crown of your missing structure. Unlike other prosthetic options, this means that your new pearly white is secured in place with a post and supports your jawbone. This method can offer you long-term stability and improve your ability to chew and talk.

Recreating Your Smile After Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is one of the leading causes of tooth loss for adult in the US. This issue begins as gingivitis and can begin to progress without proper treatment. In more serious cases, your gums can begin to recede, and you may experience tooth loss. Your dentist may be able to detect gingivitis in the earliest stages if there are symptoms like red or swollen gums. Periodontal cleanings can help remove plaque that accumulates below the gumline and prevents the gums from receding. If you experience tooth loss, dental implants can help replace you lost pearly whites, but your remaining teeth and gums must be in good health first. Options like dentures or a bridge may be a more helpful alternative for some patients.

Restoring Your Damaged Teeth

If you have experienced damage to your teeth but have not lost them yet, there may be ways to repair them and avoid gaps in your smile. For instance, if you have bruxism and your teeth have become worn down, options like a dental crown could help protect your teeth from further harm. Other restorative options like dental fillings can help restore your pearly whites after a cavity and avoid deep cavities in the future. Remember to visit your dentist for a checkup twice a year to keep your smile clean and healthy.

Talk To Our Team Today To Learn More!

Dental implants can help protect your smile after tooth loss! To learn more about this treatment option or to schedule an appointment with our team, call Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, today at (515) 965-0230.