Ankeny, IA, dentist offers dental implants

Dental Implants Can Replace Your Root And Crown

In a recent blog, we explored the many benefits of a dental bridge. This prosthetic option can replace up to three missing teeth in a row, which can improve your smile’s appearance and functions. While this tooth replacement option has many advantages, it unfortunately cannot support your jaw long-term. To do this, you would need a securely placed dental implant. In today’s blog, your Ankeny, IA, dentist is here to talk about how this tooth replacement option works.

Read more: Dental Implants Can Replace Your Root And Crown

Long Term Effects Of Tooth Loss

Losing even just a single one of your teeth can have a significant impact on your health. It can have a significant impact on your digestion, as it can become difficult to chew certain foods. You may notice that your speech has become less clear and pronouncing certain words can be challenging. Your self-esteem may also be lowered as you feel self-conscious to show off your smile. If tooth loss is left untreated for long periods of time, your jaw can begin to weaken as the root is not there to help support it. This can lead to further tooth loss in other areas of your oral cavity, further decreasing your oral health.

Recreating Your Lost Dental Structure

While there are many prosthetic options available today, only dental implants can mimic the entire lost pearly white. This method uses three parts including a post, abutment, and crown to replace your lost dental structure. The post will be inserted into your jawbone and helps stimulate your bone and prevent bone loss. After you have healed from this procedure, the abutment and crown can be added to complete your smile with a natural look. The crown is made to blend in with your natural smile and help you chew and speak. This prosthetic option can help improve your long term oral health and prevent the significant impacts of tooth loss.

Use Implants With Dentures Or A Bridge

Dental implants can be used to replace a single lost tooth or several. For patients who qualify, you may be able to have an implant-retained bridge which can help replace up to three missing teeth in the same row. Traditionally, a dental bridge is fixed in place and supported by crowns on the adjacent teeth. While this is a helpful solution, it can cause wear to your natural teeth and does not stimulate your jaw, meaning it can weaken overtime. By pairing this with an implant, you can support your long term jaw health and replace your lost pearly whites. If a bridge is not right for you, a partial denture is also a helpful solution that can replace missing teeth.

Questions About This Restoration? Ask Our Team

This secure prosthetic could replace your missing teeth and improve your smile’s health. Call Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, today at (515) 965-0230 to schedule an appointment.