Ankeny, IA, dentist offers dental checkups

Protect Your Oral Health With Biannual Checkups

As a general rule, you should visit your dentist twice a year for a cleaning and checkup. These visits can start as early as one year old and should continue throughout your entire life. Dental checkups can help prevent major problems like cavities, gum disease, and more, but an estimated 30 percent of Americans skip these appointments. The team at Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, is here today to explain the importance of your biannual cleaning and examination.

Read more: Protect Your Oral Health With Biannual Checkups

Learn How To Properly Care For Your Smile

Your dentist can help teach you how to properly brush and floss. Your parents may start practicing your oral hygiene routine at home when you are a child, and you can start doing this on your own once you have the skills to do so. When you come in for your biannual appointment, your dentist and team may be able to spot areas that you may be missing. They can give you helpful tips on improving this so you can avoid cavities and other problems. Your biannual checkups are also a good time to ask about any questions you may have about your smile’s health.

Detect Common Problems Early

Many common oral health problems, like tooth decay and gingivitis, can begin to develop without showing symptoms for many months. Your teeth and gums will be thoroughly examined when you come in for your six month checkup. X-rays and other images may be taken that can help get a closer look at your smile. If any signs of tooth decay are noticed, your dentist can create a treatment plan to help reverse or treat the problem. Fluoride treatments or sealants may be used for some patients to help further protect them from cavities. If your gums are swollen or showing other signs of gingivitis, periodontal treatments can be scheduled to help reverse the problems.

Reduce The Chances Of A Dental Emergency

Some people may only come into the dentist when they have an emergency, like a severe cavity or serious toothache. However, many of these concerns can be prevented if you visit your dentist regularly. For example, cavities can be detected and treated early by coming in for your biannual visit. Other problems, like grinding your teeth, can lead to damaging your pearly whites if the issue is not found early on. By visiting your dentist twice a year, these common concerns can be detected, and a treatment plan can be created to protect your smile. Our team offers many restorative options that can help repair your child’s pearly whites if they have been damaged.

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

The team at Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, offers checkups for patients of all ages. You can schedule your next visit by calling our office today at (515) 965-0230.