dental implants ankeny ia

A Strong Connection With Dental Implants

If you are struggling with one or more lost teeth, then you know how big of an impact it can make on your daily life. You depend on your smile for nearly every interaction that you have with people, and when things are not at the level of quality that you would like to see, it can shake your confidence. Thankfully, dental implants have revolutionized the way we think about prosthodontic repair.

With our team at Dental Impressions of Ankeny, you can renew your smile after experiencing tooth loss through implantology. This field of study focuses on the replacement of failing or missing teeth by placing a sturdy titanium post within the jaw, and it is bringing powerful possibilities to the world of prosthodontics. If you are ready to make a change, talk to a trusted local oral health professional about whether dental implants are right for you. To find out more, call our office today and schedule a time to talk about your teeth!

How Do Dental Implants Work, Anyway?

For many people, the idea of dental implants still seems futuristic. But the reality is that for decades now, implant technology has been used to provide stable tooth prosthetic tooth replacement, and the process is seeing some amazing developments. But if you have never really investigated the world of dental implantology, it might be time to do a little research, and we are here to help.

Implant solutions rely on the power of titanium to be effective. Through an interesting quirk of the human body called osseointegration, this material can exist within you without your immune system pushing it out or attacking it like other foreign objects. This means that when the bone tissue around the implant post heals, it creates a strong connection between prosthetic and jaw. Osseointegration helps implants to have the strength to chew tough foods like bagels and pizza.

Could Implants Be An Option For Me?

To answer this question accurately, you need to speak with your oral health team, but implants have a wide variety of uses. If you are not currently a candidate for a dental implant, a bone graft may be necessary to create enough durable tissue. Many people are discovering the advantages of implants, and we’re here to help you understand whether it’s the right choice for your smile. This all starts with a consultation at our office, so if you have been holding off on talking about your teeth, take the time to see if you have a new pathway forward.

Ready To Renew Your Smile?

If you are tired of struggling with missing teeth or a failing smile, then talk to our team about dental implants. To schedule your appointment for a consultation, please contact Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA at (515) 965-0230.