Ankeny, IA, dentist offers dental visits for kids

Bring Your Kids In For Their Fall Checkup!

School has started back up for your little ones, and we know that you are likely busy with academics, extracurriculars, and other activities. With so much on your to-do list, it can be hard to remember to bring your family in for their biannual checkup. Your team at Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, is here today to remind you to bring your family in for their cleaning and examination before the end of the year.

Cleanings Help Maintain Your Child’s Smile

We understand that dental checkups may not be a favorite activity for your young children. However, removing plaque buildup is an important step to ensuring their pearly whites remain healthy. Brushing and flossing at home can help reduce the chances of developing cavities, gingivitis, and other concerns, but it does not eliminate the problem completely. When your little one comes in for their biannual cleaning, the hygienist will remove plaque that the toothbrush cannot remove. Additional treatments like fluoride and sealants can be done during this visit as well to help protect their teeth from decay.

Examinations Can Detect Cavities Early

After their pearly whites have been cleaned and polished, their dentist will thoroughly examine their smiles. The dentist may look out for signs of cavities, gingivitis, and new changes to their oral health. Cavities are a common problem, especially for younger patients, so these examinations are a great way to help detect them early. When caught early, initial signs of decay may be reversed with improved oral hygiene. If a cavity has fully formed, their treatment plan can be adjusted to have the tooth filled before the decay worsens.

Schedule Dental Fillings Before The End Of The Year

Most dental insurance benefits run out at the end of the year and cannot be transferred to the new year. This means that if you have not seen the dentist twice this year already, you still have one dental checkup that will be covered. The end of the year will be here before you know it, so be sure to schedule all necessary appointments as soon as possible. This is also a great time to schedule restorative treatments, like fillings or crowns, and other additional services to get the full use out of your benefits. If your dentist found a cavity at your little one’s last checkup, now is a great time to bring them in for a dental filling. This can help restore their tooth after decay and prevent further problems in the future.

Bring Your Family In For A Checkup

The team at Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, wants your kids to have healthy and happy smiles. You can call our team today at 515-965-0230 today to schedule your appointment.