oral appliance therapy ankeny ia

Sleep Trouble? Discover Oral Appliance Therapy!

If your loved ones have started to make jokes about your snoring, or if the discussion has become a little more serious about the topic, then take the time to speak with a dental professional about whether obstructive sleep apnea is to blame. This condition, along with bruxism (teeth grinding) are two of the five most common sleep disorders in this country, and they both relate to oral health. When these are ignored, they can pose serious problems for your rest and your overall wellness; ask about whether an oral appliance can help.

At Dental Impressions of Ankeny, we know that challenges during sleep can bring challenges during the day. Whether you struggle with chronic obstructive sleep apnea, or if sleep bruxism has affected the appearance and function of your smile, make the effort and speak with a trusted local oral health team. To find out more about the advantages of using an oral appliance to treat your common sleep disorder, call us today!

Sleep Bruxism Can Shift Your Smile

Grinding your teeth during the day can be redirected into chewing a healthy snack, but when it happens at night, it can be tough to control. After all, when you are unconscious, it is hard to change your habits. But if you struggle with this common sleep disorder, it is important to talk to your dentist about your options in treatment. While you wait, your condition may cause enamel erosion, flattening molars and shortening incisors.

Oral appliance therapy for bruxism aims to prevent the teeth from contact during sleep by using a slim, BPA-free mouthguard. This gives your jaw a soft landing spot, providing a more comfortable sleep, which can help you to have the energy you need to take on the day. It also works to prevent enamel damage and alignment shifting that can occur with untreated sleep bruxism.

Chronic Obstructive Sleep Apnea Puts Your Overall Health At Risk

Along with sleep bruxism, there is another prevalent sleep disorder that relates to oral health. Chronic obstructive sleep apnea happens when the tissue of the throat or palate becomes too soft during rest. As this happens, your own body can block the airway, preventing you from receiving the oxygen that you need.

Oral appliance therapy gently shifts the position of the jaw forward in order to keep your airway open throughout the night. This simple shift is often all it takes to experience a deeper, more restful night of sleep.

Learn More About Oral Appliance Therapy

Ready to take charge in your battle against your common sleep disorder? Give us a call to find out more about oral appliance therapy. To schedule an appointment to talk about treatment, call Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA today by calling (515) 965-0230.