Time for a checkup ankeny ia

Time For A Checkup? Don’t Wait!

Are you dedicated to your dentistry? For adults, that means coming into the office for a cleaning and examination at least twice every year. If you are looking at the calendar and realize that you have not been seen yet in 2024, then you are starting to fall behind. When it’s time for a checkup, take the opportunity to improve your oral health with consistent, quality prevention.

With our team of helpful dental professionals at Dental Impressions of Ankeny, you can fight back against tooth decay and periodontal disease. These common dental conditions happen when you ignore your oral health hygiene, so be sure to stick to your schedule of cleanings and examinations. If it has been a while since the last time you were in the office for an examination and cleaning, call our office to schedule a time to talk.

Plaque And Tartar Can Be Serious Problems

When you brush your teeth, you remove the biofilm buildup on the surface of your teeth and along your gumline. This material starts as plaque, which is what you brush off each morning and night. But when it remains in your mouth for a period of time, it calcifies into a harder form known as tartar. At this stage, you need the help of a trusted dental professional to safely clean your smile of tartar, and if you leave your bacterial accumulation, it could pose significant issues for your smile moving forward.

You could experience tooth decay as the acidic biofilm starts to wear on your enamel. Plaque and tartar buildup also contributes to periodontal disease, or the infection and inflammation of the gum tissue. This is readily identified as the leading cause of adult tooth loss, so it is important to make sure that you take the time to keep your gums safe through routine maintenance. Your cleaning at your biannual checkup is a great place to start.

Take The Time To Ask Your Oral Health Questions

While you are in the office for your dental checkup, it is not just your chance to experience a fresher smile. This is also your time to ask all of your questions related to your smile. Whether you want to strengthen your brushing routine, or if you want to see a brighter smile through cosmetic dentistry, talking to your dentist can have real benefits. Ask all of your oral health questions at your appointment.

Schedule Your Next Appointment At Dental Impressions

If it is time for your next biannual dental checkup and cleaning, give us a call. To find out more about our services or our office, contact Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA today at (515) 965-0230.