If you’ve been putting off your routine dental cleanings and examinations, now’s your chance to make a change. These visits are vital for your oral health maintenance, and even if you think you’ve got things covered with your brushing and flossing, you can’t do it all yourself. You need the help of a trained, trustworthy dentist to keep you on the right track. It’s always a great day for a checkup, so come see our team and freshen up your smile.
With Dental Impressions of Ankeny, you can renew your oral health emphasis, starting with a biannual checkup. Like the name suggests, these appointments are recommended every six months, but you might have fallen behind a little bit. When it’s time to get back to your schedule, we’re here to help you do it, with a range of preventive, restorative, and cosmetic solutions.
Uplift your oral health. Call Dental Impressions today to schedule your next checkup.
Put In The Dedication To Your Dentistry
Your smile is a big part of who you are. It also is something that takes a little effort to keep safe as you age, and whether you’re 15 or 90, you need to see your dentist from time to time for a cleaning and an examination. Missing these can put you at risk of some serious oral health issues, so you want to stick to your schedule of checkups.
For most people, this means coming into the office once every six months. Your visits include a cleaning of the surface of your teeth and along your gumline, helping you to be free of plaque and tartar buildup. They also give you the opportunity to discuss your dentistry with a local oral health insider. Both of these elements are vital to your smile success, so take positive steps in your oral health maintenance with a biannual checkup.
Notice A Shift In Your Gumline Lately?
There are some signs that warrant a call to your dentist. Obviously, if you’ve experienced significant enamel damage, like a broken tooth, then it’s important to reach out to an oral health resource right away. Seeing blood when you brush is another, as it can be a sign of gingivitis or periodontal disease.
In order to keep your gums safe, it’s important to keep them clean. Through ultrasonic scaling and root planing, we can remove plaque and tartar buildup even blow the gumline, helping you to fight back against bacterial buildup.
Come See Dr. Foust At Dental Impressions
If you’ve decided that now is your time to invest in your smile success, it’s a great day for it. To schedule your next checkup, call Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA today at (515) 965-0230.