Refreshing Your Gums ankeny ia

Refreshing Your Gums At Your Next Visit

Your smile says a lot about you, and if you’re working to improve your oral health, we’re here for it. Your gums, in particular, can pose significant problems if ignored, so it’s important to keep up with your entire smile, not just your teeth. This means sticking to your schedule of brushing, flossing, and routine checkups with your provider. And if you’ve start to see a shift in your gumline, it’s time to talk to a professional about refreshing your gums with dedicated periodontal care.

With our friendly team at Dental Impressions of Ankeny, you can fight back against gingivitis and periodontal disease. These conditions put you at risk, so gum irritation is not something you should ignore; when you begin to experience inflammation or recession, reach out to a trusted dental staff about your next steps. If you’re ready to discover ways to uplift your oral health, ask about whether improving your gumline can help.

Your gum health matters. Protect your smile with periodontal care from Dental Impressions.

Are You Due For Your Next Checkup?

Here in the US, we have a tough time making it to the dentist on time. Many people struggle with their routine dental checkups, but this unfortunately puts people at risk of developing certain conditions. Buck the trend and stick to your schedule of cleanings and examinations. They really do make a difference.

If it’s been longer than six months since the last time you were in the dental chair, make the effort to schedule your next checkup. We can all fall behind from time to time, but it’s important to resume your routine prevention as quickly as you can. That means that if you’re due, it’s time to come in for a cleaning and an exam.

Ask About Refreshing Your Gums At Your Next Checkup

One of the biggest reasons to keep to your schedule of cleanings and examinations is to maintain your gum health. When you let plaque and tartar build up around your teeth, it can lead to irritation, inflammation, and even recession, so it’s important to keep them strong.

While you are in the office for your next biannual dental checkup, talk to your dentist about refreshing your gums. We can help with dedicated periodontal services, which use ultrasonic scaling to remove plaque and tartar buildup, even below the gumline. By keeping your smile cleaner, you can give your gums a change to heal.

Strengthen Your Smile With Dental Impressions

Are you ready to see a stronger smile in the mirror? We’re here for it. To find out more about refreshing your gums through advanced periodontal care, call Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA today at (515) 965-0230.