stronger smile ankeny ia

Working Toward A Stronger Smile

Taking care of your oral health needs is a lifelong endeavor, and when you skip your routine checkups, you put yourself at risk. The start of the year brings new possibilities, however, and a January appointment can help you to stay on the right track. And if you chipped or cracked a tooth over the holidays, it’s time to talk to a dental professional about repairing your damage and working toward a stronger smile.

With our friendly and local team at Dental Impressions of Ankeny, you can make a plan for an oral health 2025. It all starts with a visit to our office for a cleaning and examination, so make the effort to keep up with your smile. If you have been meaning to come in for a checkup, take the opportunity that the new year provides. We’ll be happy to see you.

Find your stronger smile. Call Dental Impressions today.

Staying Safe Takes Dedication To Your Dentistry

You need to keep up with your visits to the dentist. For most people, that means taking the time twice each year to come in for a checkup. These visits are vital to your oral health success, so it’s important to make sure that you stick to your schedule. While you wait, you could experience some common dental conditions that you have the opportunity to avoid with consistent care.

If you made a New Year’s resolution to improve your oral health, also, it starts with a checkup from a trusted, local dental provider. These appointments help you to avoid problems like tooth decay, periodontal disease, and more, so they are for your own health. Don’t skip them; schedule an appointment with our team today. We can help you to find your way back to the right schedule of preventive care.

Crack Or Chip A Tooth Over the Holidays?

The holiday season can be tough for smiles. With all of the travel, stress, and close proximity with others, people are at a higher risk of experiencing a cracked or broken tooth during Christmastime. Now that the New Year has come, it’s time to talk to your dentist.

We can help you to find a restoration solution, giving you back that missing piece of your smile. And be sure to ask about all of your dental crown options, as we have choices that blend in with the shade of your natural enamel.

Reach Your Stronger Smile With Dental Impressions

If you’re ready to renew your oral health, it starts with a dedication to your dentistry. To find out more about our office or to schedule your next appointment, please call Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA today at (515) 965-0230.